I think it means that you are supposed to create a PSA about something you’re passionate about. For example, if you’re passionate about the environment, you might choose to do a PSA about littering.
<h3>Answer to the I Am heavy Forward, But Backward I'm not is a Ton. A ton is 2,000 lbs. That’s heavy. The word ton backwards is literally the word not (n-o-t).</h3>
B. if, what.
Reason because its the only one that uses proper grammar
A. affect
Affect can sometimes be a noun, but it is mostly used as a verb that describes some sort of change or difference.
On the other hand, the word effect is not an action nor verb; it is a noun that refers to the result of a cause.
A: <span>A clause has a subject and verb but a phrase does not</span>