Well for me personally I'd write an essay about when I learned to Ice Skate. It mentions to put it in chronological order, so I'd being with how I was watching figure skating and thinking to myself how easy it looks. It says to include the theme of balance, so I'd most likely mention how difficult it is to skate with your center on two small blades, and the importance of a knee bend. I'd likely add conversations that happened between my mother and I while she helped me to balance myself, and my internal realization that the faster and more comfortable you get, the easier it is.. similar to riding a bike. I'd conclude with how I am still learning how to control my center of balance, and start trying to attempt things like skating on one leg, simple spins, and skating backwards.
I hope I didn't confuse you, and I hope this example helps you with your own essay!
Please let me know if it was helpful :D
During world war II, the persecuted Jews would often hide in a safe haven to escape the Nazis.
The four parts of the Christian narrative- creation, fall, redemption and restoration all lay emphasis on the goodness of God.
Christianity believes in the creation of man through God's want to have an image of his own to be by his side. But the fall (Satan deceiving Eve with the forbidden fruit) led to the banishment of man from the holy Garden of Eden. Even then, God, in his forever loving grace, didn't want to completely abandon his created being so he sent his only son to redeem men from their sins. this is through the crucifixion of Jesus Christ on the cross which is symbolic of the ransom paid by God to deliver his people from Hell. And through this redemption, man is restored to the same position he was put in God's kingdom. Through all these, we can know that God is grace and full of mercy, ever ready to forgive if we go to him with a repenting heart. but in times of sickness and trouble, it is hard to even think of God and his graces. We humans impulsively decide to work out things on our own. It is at times like this that God expects us to go to him and present our worries and troubles in front of him. He is always ready to listen and help in every circumstance. According to the Christian narrative, each and every situation should be taken to God and he alone will give us answers and help, even at times of illness. He alone is capable of providing the help, comfort and hope when mere man can do nothing in comparison to him. And this implies that no matter how serious any situation may be, for God there is nothing that is impossible for him to solve. As long as we are ready to let go and trust him fully, He is capable of doing anything, always ready to help out and set us free.
The creation of man was the most important work of God in that he made someone in his own image, to be exactly like him. But with human greed and distrust for God, disobedience and turning away from God occurred. The fall is evident of man's greed and distrust of God and his ways, even though he himself is the one who had brought us into this world in the first place. This fall is also necessary to know the full wrath of God and also show his soft side for man. Even after the disobedience and lying, He still sent his only son to redeem man from the peril of forever suffering in Hell. And as though that saving grace wasn't enough already, he also offered man a place in His kingdom, to be a part of his heavenly angel family. In all, he didn't stop loving his creation and is always ready to welcome us with open arms.
<em>He lists his involvement in climate change work.
Global warming has been among the discussed topics in the science industry, with many people across the globe. However, there are those who makes everything possible in their power to prevent the spread of global warming. However, an average person can only do little in alleviating the issue in different cases.
In the past centuries, the country only experienced one form of warming but the warming that is seen in the modern world is dangerous to the human. This is the reasons scientists across the globe are working towards burning all global warming contributors.
The correct answer is C.
In a periodic sentence the main clause is at the end. This is used for emphasis, by putting reasons for something at the beginning before the final point is made.
In his speech, Gehrig uses many periodic sentences to highlight how lucky he has been troughout his life.
An example of this rhetorical element is: "When you have a wonderful mother-in-law who takes sides with you in squabbles with her own daughter -- that’s something."
An anaphora refers to the repetition of a word or phrase in successive clauses or phrases.
Gehrig repeats the phrase "Sure I'm lucky" to put extra emphasis in the fact that, even though he got a bad break, he has had a great deal of luck during his life.