This thoery says that history has an impact on the personas developed by futher generations.
According to the theory given by Stauss and Howe, historical events have an effect and impact on the recurring generational personas from one generation to the other.
Each persona of a new generation unleashes and develops a new era which might go on for the next 20 to 25 years. In this new era, new political. economical climate will exist in the society.
He sent them so that the U.S. could get rid go rights to build the canal at lower rice.
The Arab–Israeli conflict includes the political tension, military conflicts and disputes between Arab countries and Israel, which escalated during the 20th century, but had mostly faded out in the early 21st century. The roots of the Arab–Israeli conflict have been attributed to the support by Arab League member countries for the Palestinians, a fellow League member, in the ongoing Israeli–Palestinian conflict, which in turn has been attributed to the simultaneous rise of Zionism and Arab nationalism towards the end of the 19th century, though the two national movements had not clashed until the 1920s.
Answer: A rotation takes 24 hours and a Revolution take 365 1/4 days
1 day, or rotation, is eqivalent to 24 hours. A year, or revolution, is 365 days and every four years it is 366 days to make up for the 1/4 at the end of every year.