The correct answer is option b, that is, four-field approach.
Anthropology refers to the study of human beliefs, behavior, and adaptations. In order to completely comprehend any aspect of human behavior, the field of anthropology adopts a four-field approach. The four sub-disciplines of anthropology are archaeology, cultural anthropology, biological anthropology, and linguistic anthropology.
In archaeology, materials are used generally from past cultures, in order to understand and illustrate human behavior and adaptive strategies via time. Biological anthropology refers to the study of humans as biological species, the research areas comprise diversity in modern human populations, human evolution, and medical anthropology.
The cultural anthropology explores patterns of behavior and belief in historical and contemporary cultures all over the globe. The linguistic anthropology studies and documents languages in terms of acquisition, structure, and use in the transmission of culture. As can be seen that each of the sub-disciplines focuses on distinct characteristics of human adaptation, however, when taken together in a four-field approach it offers a powerful tool for gaining a complete understanding of any aspect of human behavior.
Unsaturated fats are typically liquid at room temperature. Unsaturated fats come primarily from plant foods, such as nuts and seeds, and. Examples include vegetable oils such as olive, peanut, safflower, sunflower, soybean and corn etc
Saturated fats – which are found in butter, cheese, red meat and other animal-based foods. Decades of sound science has proven it can raise your “bad” cholesterol and put you at higher risk for heart disease.
Thus the saturated fats are differs from the unsaturated fats.
Herbivores: Bubbles (yellow tang), Bruce (turtle), Dory.
Carnivores: The three sharks. Chum (maiko shark), Bruce (great white shark), Anchor (Hammerhead shark).