An Era is usually defined as a major subdivision of geological Eon. It represents a period of long time, in terms of millions of years. There are 3 Eras of the Phanerozoic eon, according to the geological time scale, they are the Paleozoic, the Mesozoic and the Cenozoic. All these 3 Eras are comprised of many sequential arrangement of major and minor events soon after the formation of earth.
This sequential arrangement of events shows the progressive evolution from the unicellular organisms to the multi-cellular and more complex organisms. These eras are comprised of various fossils and fossil assemblages, which are explored in the recent times. The study of these fossils helped in the understanding and evolutionary pattern of how life evolved on earth.
Human activities have no effect on the physical environment, but the physical environment may affect human activities.
1. The South Carolina representatives vote to...
- <em>Why: </em>The SC representatives were protesting the "Tariff of Abominations," which was a high tax on goods. They were not a fan of strong federal power, so they voted to ignore his law.
2. President Jackson is furious about...
- <em>Why: </em>Jackson, oh Jackson. What an unconventional guy. He was an advocate of states' rights at times, but he also had no problems with grabbing the reins and controlling unruly states. He threatened to use federal power, and they eventually succumbed, but this was very controversial.
3. As Jackson raises an army to back up...
- <em>Why: </em>SC realizes that it can't hold up against a federal army, so it backs down.
4. The South Carolina convention decides to accept...
- <em>Why: </em>Congress makes a compromise with SC by allowing it a lower tariff. Obviously this would annoy Jackson, because he didn't want to be undermined, but eventually this led to peace, for now.
One of the pros is it allowed them to keep their job loger, con is other people may have not liked they spent most of their time doing football.
Hope I helped, GL<3