Through representation of black culture and tradition in media and famous role models of their community.
The pros would be plentiful goods, cheap goods, and more jobs.
The boys of rich families went to school from age seven to eleven. They were taught reading, writing, and numbers. Boys from poor families started work as young as five.
There were two types of schools in Ancient Rome. The first type of school was for younger children aged up to 11 or 12 where they learned to read and write and to do basic mathematics. The teacher would always be male, and was in charge of teaching boys of ages about 7 to 11 or 12. Boys younger than 7 didn't attend school.
because he is a bad skin that kills everyone if he lives
1. Genghis Khan - c. Mongol warrior who invaded China
2. Hammurabi -a. codified the laws of Babylon
3. Mesopotamia- d. "land between two rivers"
4. Ferdinand and Isabella- e. drove the Moors from Spain
5. Pharaohs - b. Egyptian rulers who where considered divine
Genghis Khan was the founder of Mongol Empire. Mongol empire was the largest empire in the world. He untied the nomadic tribes of Mongolia.
Hammurabi was the ruler of the first dynasty of Babylon. He reigned from 192 till 1750 BC. He is famous for the the Hammurabi code, it was one of the oldest promulgation of law in history of mankind.
Mesopotamia was the civilisation located between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers in the northern part of the Fertile Crescent. It was one of the four civilisations where writing was invented.
They completed reconquista, ordered conversion and exile of Jews and Muslims. they financed and supported Christopher Columbu's voyage in 1492.
Pharaoh's were monarch in ancient Egypt. they lasted from the first dynasty until Egypt was occupied merged with Roman Empire in 30 BCE.