His experiences during the Holocaust and the concentration camps left him questioning the divinity of God and why he would allow such atrocities to be committed to his people.
Elie Wiesel's memoir "Night" recounts the horrifying memories of his suffering during the days of the Holocaust. He, being a Jew, was also subjected to many torture and even kept in numerous concentration camp during one of the worst genocide in history.
At the beginning of the memoir, we see that Elie had retained his faithful belief in the overall goodness and love of God. This may be also be in part based off his Jewish upbringing. He had a firm belief in the acts of God and that the all seeing God will look after him and everyone who believes in him.
But, as he progresses, as he began to experience and see the suffering an torture of even those who have a good faith in God, he began to question why God allows these people to suffer. He wondered if God even cared for the suffering people, for the disgustingly cruel behavior and acts in the concentration camps were too much. he wonders if God even existed and why he would allow and silently accept the suffering of the people.
Thus, the whole experience left him questioning his faith and belief, but at times, he did not wholeheartedly let go of his believe in God. He did not cut his belief completely off but at the same time, he did not fully have that strong unquestioning faith he once had.
Have bowled
The past participle for the verb bowl, is bowled, and in this it says "have bowled" cause you have already dont it.
best friend
Govinda has come the way of Siddhartha, but on his own — <u><em>not as a disciple or as a follower of Siddhartha. </em></u>
Govinda's attaining the transcendent beatific smile and union with the river of life is, therefore, his own. Most important, he has accomplished this in the only way one can — independently.
In Siddhartha, Govinda is Siddhartha's <u>oldest friend</u>. We meet Govinda in the village of Siddhartha's birth. The story follows both of their attempts to find enlightenment. Initially, the two leave a life of great comfort, working as Brahmin and trying to find enlightenment through rituals.