These preliminaries settled, he did not care to put off any longer the execution of his design, urged on to it by the thought of all the world was losing by his delay, seeing what wrongs he intended to right, grievances to redress, injustices to repair, abuses to remove, and duties to discharge. So, without giving notice of his intention to anyone, and without anybody seeing him, one morning before the dawning of the day (which was one of the hottest of the month of July) he donned his suit of armour, mounted Rocinante with his patched-up helmet on, braced his buckler, took his lance, and by the back door of the yard sallied forth upon the plain in the highest contentment and satisfaction at seeing with what ease he had made a beginning with his grand purpose. But scarcely did he find himself upon the open plain, when a terrible thought struck him, one all but enough to make him abandon the enterprise at the very outset. It occurred to him that he had not been dubbed a knight, and that according to the law of chivalry he neither could nor ought to bear arms against any knight; and that even if he had been, still he ought, as a novice knight, to wear white armour, without a device upon the shield until by his prowess he had earned one. These reflections made him waver in his purpose, but his craze being stronger than any reasoning, he made up his mind to have himself dubbed a knight by the first one he came across, following the example of others in the same case, as he had read in the books that brought him to this pass. As for white armour, he resolved, on the first opportunity, to scour his until it was whiter than an ermine; and so comforting himself he pursued his way, taking that which his horse chose, for in this he believed lay the essence of adventures.
Long narrative, large setting and events, legendary characters and huge cultural impact that shapes the morality of readers.
An epic clearly stands out from other forms of poetry, as it depicts a wider theme with the supernatural characters focusing a larger theme as compared to them. The high cultural impact also differentiates it from the other forms of poetry as they may or may not impart a moral lesson but the epic poetry assists in the reformation of the beliefs of the readers. The distinctive characteristics of epic are;
Legendary characters with historical significance
Long narrative
Large setting
Superhuman valor and courage in the actions
Supernatural forces like Angels, Gods, Demons etc.
Specific style like verse or prose with usage of epic similes
Highlights the cultural beliefs like the war, celebrations shown in "Beowulf".
Use of formal speech by character with the heroic ideals like courage, sacrifice etc.