B. American tax money is increasingly spent on services supporting children of illegal immigrants
Igneous rocks are defined as formations made from solidified lava or magma.
When lava or hot Magma reaches the surface of the earth or a water body it quickly cools down and changes it's from from a hot liquid to a solid rock.
The chemical composition of Igenous rocks can vary depending on their location, cooling time etc.
However, most Igenous rocks contain some or all of the following minerals:
1. Quartz
2. Micas
3. Amphiboles
4. Olivines
5. Pyroxenes
6. Feldspathoids
7. Feldspars
Viscosity of magma depends mainly on composition, temperature, and gas ...
The arrival on the surface of magma that has lost its gas ..... It is a 0-to-8 index of increasing explosivity.
Of all of these answers, D. seems to be the most correct.
- This map DOES NOT state anything about any France-German wars.
- All of these countries stated have access to the sea.
- Refer to the above.
- Russia is INFACT the furthest North.