I think it's A.
You should always question the source. You might be lucky and discover what they've not said about their product. Or you may discover it is simply not true.
A few years back (many in fact), there was a product on the market call Laetrile. It was produced from peach pits. It has an overwhelming popularity that Sloan Kettering (the Cancer Clinic in New York -- the oldest and largest one in the world), spent some of their needed grant money to test Laetrile. The results -- nothing. Imagine what happened to those who marketed this product. Word got around. People with Cancer are pretty desperate. They and their loved ones will try anything.
But the facts on the internet help to dispel this kind of thing.
Bal. June 30 Receipts Disbursements Bal. July 31
Balance per Bank 355,001 835,846 684,747 506,100
Deposit in Transit
June 30 86,899 -86,899
July 31 51,240 51,240
Outstanding Checks
June 30 42,690 -42,690
July 31 73,340 73,340
Unrecorded Receipts -150,000 -150,000
Unrecorded Disbursement -150,000 -150,000
Balance per Books 399,210 650,187 565,397 484,000
Inventory records
Key differences exist when an integrated Enterprise Resource Planning system (ERP) replaces an existing AIS or legacy system. For example, inventory records are more accurate and timely, enabling sales order entry staff to provide customers more accurate information about delivery dates.
Systems Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) information systems that integrate applications to manage all departments and functions of as production, sales, purchasing, logistics, accounting, project management, and inventory control warehouses, orders, payroll, etc.
Legacy systems can be difficult to integrate in a newer system because of their unique structure.
5% semi-annual.
Since you require to have a 10% payments from the investment, and the payments are semi-annual, your investment has to have a semi-annual payment of the 5% of the money that you invested in order to be able to reach the 10% annual that you require.
Answer: D. Controlling
Controlling is one of the most important roles that a manager plays for a company. It involves ensuring that efficient standards are met in the company by checking for errors in processes and taking actions to correct any such errors thereby ensuring that the company keeps running smoothly.
When you therefore conducted research to determine the reason for higher costs and then taking action to correct it, you were engaging your controlling role as a manager.