In the nineteenth century, the United States experienced a significant surge in the influx of immigrants - over the course of several decades, about fifteen million people arrived in the country; such a large number of people wishing to start a new life across the ocean was largely due to the political and economic instability that prevailed in Europe at that time.
In the mid-nineteenth century, again a significant influx of immigrants seeking overseas ‘salvation’ from economic and political instability in their homeland came from France and Germany; aggressive German politics before the outbreak of war forced many to seek refuge in the USA.
At the end of the 19th century, Italy, previously modestly represented in the New World, was left by several hundred thousand people.
In 1891, the Immigration Service was established in the United States, and in January 1892, an immigration office was opened on Ellis Island, New York - its tasks were to verify the identity and health of citizens arriving in the country, and determine their future fate - what way they were going to live in the country, whether they have friends or relatives, etc. Resistance to immigration at the end of the 19th century intensified at the level of part of the American public, who did not want foreign workers who received lower wages to take the place of American citizens.
The sovereignty of all the states in the union was weakened.
The Korean war, which divided Korea in half, was a civil war between the north and south, due to north being communist and the south being capitalist.
Only the United States and Japan came out of the war in better financial shape than before. Uneven distribution of wealth, overproduction by business and agriculture, and the fact that many Americans were buying less.
- The games were too closely related to an official school activity, showing religious support.
In Santa Fe District v. Doe, the court decided that understudy drove petition at a school football match-up fizzled the Lemon test since it was "excessively caught". This implies the court thought the amusements were excessively firmly identified with school action.
Along these lines, the football match couldn't be viewed as a private movement, yet open since it was empowered by the school. Additionally, the discourse radiating from this occasion would be open, and being straightforwardly energized by the school, would damage the Establishment Clause, by connecting legitimately to a substance of the government of the United States (the school) with religious issues.