Many women replaced men on the baseball field and in factories.
Adj. N. V. N. Pr. Ar. Adj. N. Con. Pr. N.
Adjective (Adj.): Describes a noun
Noun (N): Person, place, thing, or idea
Verb (V.): Action
Prep (Pr.): Word that describes location
Article (Ar.): The, an, a
Conjunction (Con.): Connects a string of words together
I personally always include:
Why You want the job
Skill lists. You never want to be a one trick pony.
Bloat about your knowledge to the job to which you're applying.
Your educational accomplishments.
And include little about yourself,( not too much bcz, the employer really wont care. they just want someone ready to do the job.)
Thomas Garrett is best known for his tireless efforts in behalf of the abolition of slavery. His first endeavor started at age twenty-four, by rescuing a kidnapped, free Black woman who was to be sold into slavery in the South
this might help
he fears exposing her to the her as a liar due to his feelings for her, as well as tarnishing his own name.
well the most and biggest improvement the internet has given is communication, you can contact someone to the other side of the world and see them without the need to travel all the way!
The Internet has also changed the way we interact with our family, friends, and life partners. Now everyone is connected to everyone else in a simpler, more accessible, and more immediate way; we can conduct part of our personal relationships using our laptops, smart phones, and tablets.
its also useful our daily routine tasks. For example, it helps us to see our notifications and emails. Apart from this, people can use the internet for money transfers, shopping order online food, etc.
You can also reach everything through the internet, you're hungry? get a pizza online. you want to shop? order good and cheap clothes, etc.
Its also a great help to gain knowledge, in the past people who wished to expand the knowledge had to travel the world and look for books, people, etc to gain knowledge, but now? you can get as much as knowledge you need by reading or ordering a book online or watch a 5 min yt video about a title you wish to know more about!
sorry its kinda long lol