1. tear a newspaper. rip it into strips not very tiny pieces but just strips. What you shouldn’t do is cut it and just do it individually shaped as a strip. 2.Then you dip the newspaper one at a time into making it a paper mache. 3. Basically you need to mix the substances which are (water and glue mixed) 4. Then you need to find a form in which suits you the most when you’re making a paper mache. I’ve done this before and the results are remarkable!
A giant clock, with American achievements in each hour time period
The appeal of landscapes to Japanese artists was that they found peace in looking at such a landscape as a cherry blossom tree or a river flowing over rocks. When Japanese artists painted landscapes they where trying to find peace within them self's and hoping they could help others achieve peace as well.
A scene can mean two things. A scene can be the setting of a story, or (what I think you are referring to) it can be a segment of an Act of a play. A scene separation within a play is usually included in order to allow time for a change in setting during the performance. A chapter is a segment of a book. So, to summarize, a scene is a segment of a play and a chapter is a segment of a book.