The shriff town polices reflected quaker beliefs
act of developing and producing warfare weapons and ammunitions
Arms race is the act of developing and producing warfare weapons and ammunitions among nations and countries.
Pros:- One of the major advantages of arms race is that it helps countries to equip themselves with modern weapons which, at times, act as a deterring factor that keeps other countries from invading and threatening another country.
Arms race also contributes to the increase in the economy of a nation as many countries buy and sell modern weapons and equipment with one another.
Cons:- The major disadvantage of arms race is that procuring and developing weapons of mass destruction itself is a threat to the whole mankind.
Arms race has also led many nations to undermine and subjugate one another in the race to accumulate power.
Answer: The textile industry was the first industry to begin to use machines to manufacture goods.
Many aspects of today's society have been affected by ancient Rome . Creation of law, development of democratic government practices, influences in language, literature, art, infrastructure, and city-planning are all areas where the influences of Roman ideas can be seen.
Although the people of the Byzantine Empire considered themselves Roman, the East was influenced by Greek culture, rather than the Latin of the West. People spoke Greek and wore Greek-styled clothing... The Byzantine Empire was influenced by the Hellenistic culture created by the conquests of Alexander the Great.