I don’t know what I am supposed to help you with. But if you ask me in the comment section below I’m sure I can help.
The door slamming shut after Nora's departure is very significant.
“A Doll's House” by “Henrik Ibsen” is a story about “Nora” who is portrayed as a submissive wife of 19th century whose life revolves around her husband Torvald and the children. But the turning point comes in her life when she is abused by her husband over a blackmail threat by Krogstad.
She reached a breaking point and decided to end her marriage in the final scene. She was no longer worried about being exposed for forging her father's signature on the loan application. The slamming of the door signifies independence of the woman and her liberation in the coming age. Even a wife like Nora could revolt against the dominating husband of a patriarchal society. Emergence of Feminism is the metaphoric significance of slamming of the door by Nora at the end. Theatrically audience hears the sound of the door slamming.
All these aspects signify literary, theatrical and historical significance of the slamming of the door.
The report required by the above question, wants to assess its ability to deal with plagiarism and combat it in an educational institution. As this is something very personal, I cannot write the report for you, but I will show you how to write it.
First, it is important that you know that palgiarism is the act of presenting, as your creation, a text, or any other media, created by someone else. This is a criminal practice and should not be encouraged.
Knowing this, you should research ways to combat plagiarism in a school or other educational institution. Some ways are:
- Show students what plagiarism is.
- Show how this practice is criminal.
- Show how academic education is undermined by plagiarism.
- Teach students how quotes and paraphrases should be done and how research sources should be used.
After doing this research, you can choose some of these tactics to present them in your report, always showing the effects they propose and how this can be beneficial to combat plagiarism.
The report must be done as follows:
- Give an introduction to plagiarism and how harmful it is.
- Show how the educational institution has been affected by plagiarism.
- Show how tactics to combat plagiarism should be established.
- Show expected results through the use of these tactics.
You can find more information at the link below:
you can fix this research question by turning it into a thesis statement for a research paper.
for example, your new thesis could be something like this
"There is a higher power in the universe."
or like this
"The belief that there is a higher power in the universe is reflected in the lives of millions of religious Americans."
once you have your thesis, you can write the rest of the research paper explaining about it (for example, that God is the higher power many Americans believe in)
nice but there is not question pls give question i will haelp u ok