requires the President to consult with the legislature in every possible instance before committing troops to war.
The correct answer is D. The Supremacy Clause ensures that the U.S. Constitution overrules each state constitution.
The Supremacy Clause provides for the Constitution and laws of the United States, as well as international treaties concluded by the United States, to be the supreme law of the country. This clause also obliges state judges to be governed by the US Constitution, laws, and international treaties, even if individual state constitutions and laws are contrary to federal law. State constitutions also recognize the supremacy of the US federal constitution. The Supremacy Clause is contained in Article VI of the US Constitution.
Slaves provided much of the labor on plantations that grew cash crops.
Plantations were the main economic activity in the American South during the antebellum period. These plantations cultivated cotton, tobacco, sugar, indigo, and rice. The warm climate, plentiful rainfall and fertile soil meant that the plantations were able to flourish. However, they were labour-intensive, and most workers were African slaves. Planters held dozens, or sometimes hundreds, of slaves, making slave labor very important to the economy of the Southern colonies.