Translated questions by Mimiwhatsup/Answers:
1. In Latin American countries, it's always very hot. (False)
2. A stereotype is something that people think is not always the truth. (True)
3. A example of a stereotype is that Spanish is spoken in Spain. (False)
4. If there's a downpour, that means it's raining little. (True)
5. During a thunderstorm, there are lightning and thunder. (False)
Ustedes is formal and should be used when talking to someone you’re not so familiar with, like a stranger, or someone that should be addressed with respect, like an elderly person.
No hay un límite. Pero hay un límite de tarjetas de regalo (pienso $500).
3. Nosotros oímos que el partido no tiene lugar porque el huracán destruyo el estadio.