<span>A. Acquired traits can be passed to offspring
Jean-Baptiste Lamarck first presented his Theory of Inheritance of Acquired Characteristics in 1801. According to his theory, if an organism changes in order to adapt to its environment, the changes are passed on the organism's offspring. Some of his proposed ideas in the theory, however, were dismissed by other scientists by experimenting and studying of genetics.</span>
E = The activation energy barrier for this reaction can not easily be surmounted.
Starch is a polymeric carbohydrate consist of various glucose units join together through glycosidic bonds.
Reason why it is not dissolve at room temperature:
When starch is added into water it form granules with cold water and can be soluble by heating.
At a room temperature the starch does not readily decompose to from the solution by decomposing into simple sugar because the activation energy barrier for this reaction can not easily be surmounted at a room temperature.
Typhoid fever is most common in non-industrialized countries. Travelers to Asia, Africa, Eastern Europe, and Latin America are especially at risk. Salmonella typhi bacteria are shed in the urine or stool of infected persons, including chronic carriers. There are no known animal reservoirs for typhoid fever.
DNA checking
2.after few days it's growth rate was so great