Nitrogen is one of the important elements for life. Nitrogen is present in DNA and proteins. It’s also a component of 1.water 2.
chlorophyll or 3.air in plants, a pigment that’s critical for photosynthesis. Although nitrogen is present in the air, it can’t be consumed directly. It’s converted into usable form by 1. bacteria 2.animals or 3.plants .
Explanation: Nitrogen is vital component of chlorophyll, that plants use to trap sunlight to produce sugar from the elements like water and carbon dioxide by photosynthesis.
Nitrogen is also present in the proteins that is used by the plants. Without proteins, plant would die.
Although nitrogen is present in atmosphere plants cannot use it until it is converted by the bacteria in a usable form.
Plants do not utilize nitrogen in the form of nitrogen gas it has to be first converted by the bacteria in the from of nitrates.
Thanks to the presence of a nucleolus, cells can generate and interact with proteins that help them generate more cells and perform other complex tasks.