During a depression or an economic downturn. Indeed, Keynes sustained that during a depression or a recession, consumer demand shrinks to its minimum which in turn cause unemployment as factories close because nobody is buying their products and that creates more unemployment which in turn further decreases consumer demand and the system engages in a vicious cycle that further weakens the economy.
Keynes recommended that the only and best solution was to apply a fiscal policy, on in layman’s terms, government spending in massive infrastructure projects that will stimulate economic activity by boosting employment and demand for products and services, both directly and indirectly. However, Keynes also indicated that a reduction or an expansion of the interest rates was necessary as well, depending in the economic circumstances.
Corporal works of mercy:
1. to feed the hungry
2.to give drink to the thirsty
3.to clothe the naked
4. to shelter the homeless
5.to visit the sick
6.to visit the imprisoned
7.to bury the dead
spiritual works of mercy:
1.to instruct the ignorant
2.to counsel the doubtful
3.to admonish sinners
4.to bear wrongs patiently
5.to forgive offenses willingly
6.to comfort the sorrowful
7.to pray for the living and the dead
Teacher , library , friendly environment.
The shah developed Western policies
Citizens of Iran protested government
Ayatollah Khomeini came to power
Traditional laws were reinstated