C. speech aimed to potentially create danger could be banned.
On Edg.
Maintaining peace throughout the world and promoting human rights and freedom are the two purposes of the United Nations among the following, according to the Charter Preamble. The correct options among the all the options that are given are the second and the third option. I hope the answer comes to your help.
He believed that by allowing the different branches to monitor each other, they could prevent a tyrannical government from being born.
German Confederation, organization of 39 German states, established by the Congress of Vienna in 1815 to replace the destroyed Holy Roman Empire. It was a loose political association, formed for mutual defense, with no central executive or judiciary. Delegates met in a federal assembly dominated by Austria. Amid a growing call for reform and economic integration, conservative leaders, including Klemens, prince von Metternich, persuaded the confederation’s princes to pass the repressive Carlsbad Decrees (1819), and in the 1830s Metternich led the federal assembly in passing additional measures to crush liberalism and nationalism. The formation of the Zollverein (a German customs union) in 1834 and the Revolutions of 1848 undermined the confederation. It was dissolved with Prussia’s defeat of Austria in the Seven Weeks’ War (1866) and the establishment of the Prussian-dominated North German Confederation.
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I really hop this is what u are looking for
Confucio desarrolló una filosofía política que reflejaba su horror ante la guerra constante que lo rodeaba.
Deambuló de reino en reino, tratando de persuadir a los gobernantes para que siguieran sus enseñanzas, pero nunca logró nada más que un puesto público de bajo escalafón.
Sin embargo, sí consiguió un grupo devoto de seguidores, que transmitió sus enseñanzas a las generaciones posteriores.