The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is a novel penned by Mark Twain. The novel narrates the adventures of Huckleberry Finn or 'Huck' as known by his friends. The novel is written in First Person Narrative.
<u>The given quote appears in chapter 22 of the novel, where Huck goes to a circus. There a show by a quick-witted clown was to be performed. The show was seen by only twelve people and after the show, the duke hanged a handbill with a note written stating 'Ladies and children not admitted.' This was an advertising scheme by the duke to attract more audience to his show. The show was to be performed on 'The King’s Cameleopard' and thus does not permit women and children. This viewpoint conveys the message that such naughty thrills tend to tempt people</u>.
So, the correct answer is option A.
Tom's cough was chronic my dude... Lol jk, but it is chronic.
a relevant fact about Wordsworth that reinforces the essay's overall thesis
a relevant quotation by Wordsworth that reflects his ideas about poetry
William Wordsworth, an English poet is world famous for his romantic poems and sonnets. In his poems, Wordsworth connects his ideas about love and nature through his poetry.
He tries to reinforce the overall thesis of the essay. And also tries to reflect his ideas about the poetry. These ideas of Wordsworth most appropriately leaves the reader to think about something in the poem.
The dependent clause follows the independent clause in this sentence, so no comma is needed.
When a dependent clause follows an independent clause, there is not need to include a comma as opposed to when the dependent clause is before the independent clause.
In this case the dependent clause being "because her brother’s stereo was turned up to full volume", follows after the independent clause which is, "Beatrice was unable to concentrate on her project". There is therefore no need to put a comma.