By recognizing the independence of Kosovo, President George
W. Bush was exercising the power of the president to recognize FOREIGN
GOVERNMENTS. As the Chief Diplomat of the country, the president of the United
States has the power to give recognition to foreign governments.
well it was somthing like this into his own philosophy in the mid-1960s and eventually convinced fellow but the King's death in 1968 stripped the civil rights movement of its greatest yet years of the 1950s and 1960s gave African Americans two impor ..
The two compromises established a delicate balance between the North and the South.
The Great Compromise of 1787, also known as the Connecticut Compromise, was a political agreement during the Constitutional Convention of 1787 that defined the structure of the legislature of the United States. Under the Compromise, the legislature would be divided in two chambers: the Senate, as the upper house, where every state would have equal representation, and the Congress, the lower house, where seats would be allocated to states proportionally, according to their population. The Three-Fifths Compromise, on the other hand, was the other great compromise agreed during the Constitutional Convention. According to this compromise, three out of every five slaves would be counted as part of the population of each slave state when allocating seats for the Congress.
<u>The political significance of these two compromises was that they established a delicate balance between the North and the South.</u> For the northern states, which were generally smaller than the southern ones, the Great Compromise meant that they would be considered as equals. For the southern states, the Three-Fifths Compromise meant that they were overrepresented. If slaves had not been counted, they'd have been a minority in Congress. However, this balance was very fragile, and the disagreements between the North and South erupted into the Civil War of 1861-65,
Mens rea is considered a key component in many types of crimes for it is possible to be guilty of a crime because you knew it was immoral before you committed the act.
In all modern legal systems, there is a view that for the existence of criminal responsibility of a particular person, ie the possibility of punishing him, the unlawfulness of his behavior, ie wrongdoing, is not sufficient. In addition, there must be a certain psychological or mental element, the so-called mens rea, the culpability or mental element, which forms the guilt of such a person, that is the moral depravity or wrongful conduct of the same.
The arrival of Europeans in the New World in 1492 changed the Americas forever. Over the course of the next 350 years: Spain ruled a vast empire based on the labor and exploitation of the native population. Conquistadors descended on America with hopes of bringing Catholicism to new lands while extracting great riches.