Answer: Factory Girls Association
1832 Morse found a way to send signals along an electrical cable (using pulses of electricity) and developed Morse code. Congress constructed an experimental telegraph line (1843) which 1860, more than 50,000 mi of wire connected most parts of the country. Helped prevent accidents and benefited American Journalism.
An American financial services and communications company founded in 1851; as an industrialized monopoly, it dominated the telegraph industry in the late 19th century.; it was the first communications empire and set a pattern for American-style communications businesses as they are known today.
Answer: Charlemagne's crowning made the Byzantine Emperor redundant, and relations between the East and the West deteriorated until a formal split occurred in 1054. The Eastern Church became the Greek Orthodox Church by severing all ties with Rome and the Roman Catholic Church — from the pope to the Holy Roman Emperor on down.
There are two bases of the Indian social division into castes. The castes system has been consolidated and fed by religious practices. Ancient Hindu texts speak about four castes or profession: brahmins (priests), warriors, merchants and workers. Brahmins were at the top of society, the elite. The other source is simply social practice. There are still several groups that are seen as inferior , the "untouchables" just like the dalits; they perform the lowest and dirtiest jobs. Though castes don´t exist formally in Indian law, they exist in reality and social and racial divisions run still deep in India.
i don't understand your question all so if your late start earlier!