Idk but enything that needs water air and sunny to live it is living if that helps
Proxima Centauri is 4.243 light years away
Upslope fog forms when moist air is going up the slope of a mountain or hill (orographic lifting) which condenses into fog on account of adiabatic cooling, and to a lesser extent the drop in pressure with altitude
North component: y = 15.0 m * sin 55.0º = 12.3 m West component: x = 15.0 m * cos 55.0º + 7.00 m = 15.6 m
so his heading, measured from West, is Θ = arctan(y/x) = arctan0.787 = 38.2º N of West
and measured from North is φ = arctan(x/y) = arctan(1.27) = 51.8º W of North
Hope this helps!
Konichiwa~! My name is Zalgo and I am here to help you out on this amazing day. According to my knowledge and evidence, I would say that the bush is very well alive. It grows, it provides you an element that you need to survive, and if you cut it down to a size you like, all it will do is grow back up.
I hope that this info helps! :D
"Stay Brainly and stay proud!" - Zalgo
(By the way, do you mind marking me as Brainliest? I'd greatly appreciate it! Arigato~! XP)