They were having conflicts that they couldn't solve and it eventually lead to the Civil War. Hope this helps
Domus meant home in Latin
The word domus is found in more languages than English like in some if not all Slavic languages dom meaning home.
Other words that have the same root in English would be domicile, domestically, domain.
Many languages were influenced by Latin since the Roman Empire conquered most of Europe, Anatolia and some parts of Africa.
The United nations also known as the UN has assisted several people in times of war. The UN have different committees, there's the World Health Organization, International criminal court, the committee dedicated to helping refugees, and many other ones. The representatives from each nation gather in their committees and debate on resolutions to the current crisis. Each committee focuses on a different part of the crisis and helps anyone in need. It has helped with money. But their primary fact is to keep peace world-wide and that why they have 2 olive branches surrounding the earth as a slogan for peace. Olive branches represent peace a world is world wide.
US Representatives serve a two-year term
US Senators serve a six year term
The term length for State Representatives and Senators can vary stste to state
I hope this helps