You don’t find love. Love finds you!
Not able to understand language
The Question: Which Hollywood superstar did NOT serve in the Marine Corps? The Answer: The correct answer is Morgan Freeman.
Write in one of the various standard rhyme schemes (Shakespearean, Petrarchan, or Spenserian). Format the sonnet using 3 quatrains followed by 1 couplet. Compose your sonnet as an argument that builds up as it moves from one metaphor to the next. Ensure your poem is exactly 14 lines.
Advances in social interactions will change the content of the art as well as technological advancements. Art changes when the context changes. Everything changes given enough time. Take the Mona Lisa for example. While it is just a piece of static art in a museum, the aura of it has changed dramatically over the years. Replicas have been made, it appears on t-shirts and in digital media.