Correct answer # 2: The world's nations must cooperate; one nation cannot solve the world's problems by itself.
When you connect two related independent clauses or sentences you use a semicolon. Both sentences should be completed grammarly writtend and with a connection. Make sure you do not write a capital letter after the semicolon, unless it is a proper name.
Answer # 3 is incorrect as there is a capitalized word
Answer # 1 it is incorrect to use "for" as the sentence is grammarly completed
Answer:c Synthesizing claims into a single conclusion
Set in Rome in 44 BC, the play depicts the moral dilemma of Brutus as he joins a conspiracy led by Cassius to murder Julius Caesar to prevent him from becoming dictator of Rome. Following Caesar's death, Rome is thrust into a period of civil war, and the republic the conspirators sought to preserve is lost forever.
a claim about the similarities and/or differences between two literary works