It looks like it is going to rain today there are a lot of clouds in the sky the sun is not shining i will play inside if it rains
Condense your writing and only keep the most important ideas. Also add punctuation.
<u>Same sentence + punctuation:</u>
- It looks like it is going to rain today, there are a lot of clouds in the sky and the sun is not shining. I will play inside if it rains.
<u>Other </u><u>ideas</u><u>:</u>
- The cloudy sky makes it look like it's going to rain today, which means I'll have to play inside.
- The sun is hiding behind the clouds and I think it might rain soon, which means I will have to play inside.
- The cloudy sky threatens rain; I will have to play inside if it begins to rain.
(I think you should use a semicolon (;) in the last sentence, not a colon (:) but I may be wrong)
Text structure refers to how the information within a written text is organized. This strategy helps students understand that a text might present a main idea and details; a cause and then its effects; and/or different views of a topic.
In this digital era, the first channel is multimedia-based messages, like sending gifs through Messenger. The second channel is text-based digital messages, like SMS messages, Twitter or email. The third channel is something we see everywhere and every day, viral ads as it can provide massive exposure for a specific product or service.
Of course perhaps that is not solid evidence because most people would probably believe that they are not a bad person; however, other people in the book that truly know Steve's personality attest to the fact that Steve is a good kid. Take Mr. Sawicki for example. He is Steve's favorite teacher and he says that Steve is "talented, bright, and compassionate." Those character traits are absolutely true about Steve, and they are shown concretely in the way that he loves and treats his brother, Jerry.