They feared being deported and sent back to their country of origin
C is correct. sparta kids were taken from their parents at age 5 or 7 and lived in a bunker with older men and trained. im not sure about staying at barracks at age 30
Athens and Sparta
- The National Assembly (Appeal) was made up of all Spartans over 30 years old.
- Assembly elected state officials, ephors, geronts and military commanders and decided on their dismissal.
- It was formally the highest authority. She voted on proposals concerning war, peace, alliances, citizenship and deprivation of citizenship. Only the basileus, the ephors, the geronts and the foreign deputies were allowed to speak here.
- In Athens, as in Sparta, there was a national assembly - the Ecclesia.
- It consisted of all free Athenian citizens. In the oldest period it did not play a significant role in the management of Athens.
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