the nastiest animals you've ever seen
1) The French and English languages are related in a sense, because French is a Romance language descended from Latin with English influences.
2) French was the language of diplomacy and the people of Normandy brought a lot of words over with the when they invaded England in 1066.
Imagine la fin du film "Cendrillon"
the end of the movie "Cinderella"
The answer is D because Bonjour, je voudrais prendre un jus de frit, s'il vous plait means good morning, i would like a fruit juice please in english. That is the most polite way to order in a restaurant.
Bonjour !
Question 1
Complete the sentence with the appropriate words:
A well-known French dog is a Saint Bernard
Question 2
Complete the sentence with the appropriate word:
The French favorite pet is the cat.
Question 3
Select the correct verb to complete the sentence:
Mes parents sentent la bonne cuisine.
Question 4
Select the correct verb to complete the sentence:
Tu préfères la glace à la vanille.
Question 5
Select the correct verb to complete the sentence:
Mon magasin favori ouvre tard.
Question 6
Select the correct verb to complete the sentence:
Les dames souffrent des pieds après la visite du Louvre.
Question 7
Below is the answer to a question. What was the question?
- Avec qui passez-vous Noël?
-Nous célébrons Noël avec mes grands-parents.
Question 8
Below is the answer to a question. What was the question?
- A quelle heure te lèves-tu?
- Je me lève à huit heures du matin.