because president Eisenhower need to have a resistance wet up inorder for him to actually control the situation
The first bubble because most of the inventions Americans made was for industrialization during the Industrial Era.
Answered below
The civil rights movement was in its post civil rights era by 1988. The post civil rights period was the time since the voting rights of 1965, the fair housing act of 1968 and the civil rights act of 1964 were passed by the supreme court. These ended the legal discrimination and segregation, enforced voter registration and practices and ended segregation in housing, in places where these were discriminated against. Malcolm X and Martin Luther king were the activists at the forefront of the civil rights movement.
The women's rights movement did a lot and achieved a lot in a short period of time. Women gained access to jobs following the Equal Employment Rights commission. There was liberalisation in divorce laws and pregnant women weren't allowed to be sacked by employers. In 1972 with the passage of Title X, there was prohibition of gender discrimination.
Geography played a major part in shaping the first civilization. It helped them develop in the Huange He Valley, where rich soil was good for farming.