Maybe this would help..
1. Start at your house in the city.
2. Keep right on Calle Bolívar.
3. Continue two blocks.
4. Turn left onto Avenida Libertad.
5. Cross Main Street.
6. Pass the bakery and the shopping center.
7. Continue to the stadium, and turn onto Calle San José.
8. Cross Avenida Colón.
9. Continue to Avenida Presidente.
10. Turn right.
II. Quick, turn right onto Camino Aguajito.
12. Finish first place on the left
The Day of the Dead (el Día de los Muertos), is a Mexican holiday where families welcome back the souls of their deceased relatives for a brief reunion that includes food, drink and celebration. A blend of Mesoamerican ritual, European religion and Spanish culture, the holiday is celebrated each year from October 31- November 2. While October 31 is Halloween, November 1 is “el Dia de los Inocentes,” or the day of the children, and All Saints Day. November 2 is All Souls Day or the Day of the Dead. According to tradition, the gates of heaven are opened at midnight on October 31 and the spirits of children can rejoin their families for 24 hours. The spirits of adults can do the same on November 2.
Origins of Day of the Dead
The roots of the Day of the Dead, celebrated in contemporary Mexico and among those of Mexican heritage in the United States and around the world, go back some 3,000 years, to the rituals honoring the dead in pre-Columbian Mesoamerica. The Aztecs and other Nahua people living in what is now central Mexico held a cyclical view of the universe, and saw death as an integral, ever-present part of life.
Un leñador estaba trabajando duro junto a un río. Por accidente, dejó caer su hacha en el río profundo. Se sentó en la orilla del río y puso la cabeza entre las manos. Un homprecillo vestido de verde se lanzó al río y salió con un hacha dorada. Se lo dio al leñador como recompensa por su honestidad. El leñador se fue a casa y les contó a todos sus amigos lo que había sucedido. Los amigos del hombre fueron al lugar junto al río al día siguiente y lo encontraron llorando.
Zocalo is one of the largest plazas in the word with 57,600 square feet as of today
Translation (if you need it just to understand the question):
Think of the reading Sunday, February 18 and choose yes if the statement is correct. Choose no if it is not.
El Zócalo, in Mexico City, is the largest square of all the squares in Latin American cities.
Question 9 options:
a) yes
b) no
uno, dos, tres, cuatro, cinco, seis, siete, ocho, nueve, diez