The answer is: Islam became the main religion
Part A
D. Organization
Part B
International organization and international governance what are international organizations and international governance, types of international organizations, and how decisions are made in international organizations.
Then there will be a brief reference to the League of Nations and mainly a reference to the UN (in its organs and functions). International non-governmental organizations will then be examined organizations (DMKO), the types of DMKO, their role, their influence and their problems.
Finally, reference will be made to the economic dimension of international life, mainly to the International Political Economy, to globalization as well as a brief reference to the role of multinational companies.
The differences in the wild and hatcheries make it so the different salmon adapt differently and have different traits.
If salmon are split up into different habitats, one being in the wild and one being in captivity, they will eventually have different adaptations from each other and their offspring will develop traits that are better suited for their environment.
Wild salmon and salmon that are raised in captivity are going to be very different from each other. The salmon in captivity do not have to actively hunt for their food, be wary of certain predators, or may not want to reproduce.
Taking these factors into account, it is very possible that the salmon raised in captivity will have reduced reproductive success compared to the salmon that thrive in the wild. Along with this, they would most likely have many genetic differences from each other and other traits that better adapt to their living situations.
If a higher court agrees to hear it
Answer: UNFAIR
Alright, so you know that the Treaty of Versailles was a 1919 peace-treaty between several countries created after World War I. Most of its terms were specifically thrown at Germany, with the Allies punishing Germany in a way that they would never start a war again.
As a result of the Treaty, the German people were absolutely furious. They resented the Allies more than anything else, and felt that they were being punished unfairly. Germany was a major wreck after the Great War, and these terms made the country's conditions even worse. In fact, it was the Treaty of Versailles that made people like Hitler rise up to glory. He used the Germans' anger and resent of the Allies to gain more power, and eventually the German people would give in, leading to World War II.