Yucatán Peninsula in Mexico
It is called the Chicxulub Asteroid.
Dividing islands north and South Korea
Juveniles without licenses cannot be given blood or breath tests without permission from legal guardians.<span>
Bering Strait is between North America (Alaska) and Asia - not South America.
The correct asnwer is: Central America: this includes such countries as Costa Rica, Nicaragua and Panama, together with the Panama Canal which allows ships to cross from the Atlantic to the Pacific. hope this helps
Star dunes are mountains that can form in areas with relatively sparse sand and ever-changing winds.
<h3 /><h3>Where is the star dune easiest to find?</h3>
They are easily found in deserts, and will be formed with the transport of sediment by changing the direction of strong winds.
Therefore, the dunes are ecosystems formed by fine grains of sand from the action of the winds, forming mountains and hills of different shapes.
Find out more about dunes here: