Galileo gave new credibility to isaac newtons Principa which made the laws of motion and the early laws of universal gravitation.
Examples:New advanced mathematics such as calculus (by newton) and physics.
Explanation:These gave modern day scientists a look onto the scientific revolution and helped the scientific community flourish.
English liberties, or the free-born subject's inheritance. Being a help to justicies as well as a guide to constables. Hope this helps.
The American disabilities act forbid the discrimination of people with disabilities in the workplace and made it so that all buildings and transport had to accommodate people with disabilities so that they would have equality of opportunity like everyone else. Public transport and buildings have to be built so that disabled people can access them and workplaces have to follow those same regulations too.
The government already has to much power. Meaning that they are overruling and so what I think is that individuals should make all their own decisions. I feel strongly that we are responsible for the decisions we make. I think other people can also agree that we would very much like to control our own lives and live it to the fullest other than being controlled by the government. Our gov. system is already corrupted as it is and very secretive. So I believe that they shouldn’t be taking part in our personal lives.
The Russians left the war after the bloshvik revolution in russia