The answer is political speech
We as Americans are allowed to criticize our government without any punishment this plays into our freedom of speech (First Amendment). Other countries do not have this type of protection and we should be thankful to be able to criticize our own government without punishment or repercussions.
Prevent ourselves and others from scribbling on the walls.
Participating in the regular Cleanliness Drives.
Being a part of the 'Adopt a Heritage' initiative.
Spreading awareness around about these monuments and their importance.
The right answer for the question that is being asked and shown above is that:
1) an Aryan prince who was a Zoroastrian convert => G) Vishtaspa
2) the Zoroastrian name for a holy spirit => I) Zarathustra
3) the "Immortal Holy Ones," or the Sacred Seven => D) Spenta Mainyu
4) the sacred text of Zoroastrianism => B) Ahura Mazda
5) Towers of Silence where corpses are laid => F) Parsis
6) the followers of Zoroaster in India => H) dakhmas
7) "God the Eternal Light" => A) Avesta
8) Zoroaster's first convert => E) Amesha Spentas
9) the founder of Zoroastrianism =>C) Maidhynimaonha
not everyone will follow these rules and besides that not everyone is familiar with them so the ignorance of this declaration makes it ineffective
Hernan Cortes aided the Aztec