Una Propuesta Modesta es una sátira publicada en 1729 por el autor irlandés Jonathan Swift, en la que sugiere que el problema de la pobreza que afectaba a Irlanda sería resuelto por la clase alta comprando a los niños de clase baja y comiéndolos. Swift decía que implementar su propuesta reduciría la cantidad de católicos en el país y haría que los hombres trataran mejor a sus esposas porque sabrían cuánto dinero podrían ganar al tener un bebé. Este ensayo es en realidad una crítica encubierta a la discriminación gubernamental y del poder económico hacia los católicos, que integraban en su mayoría la clase baja de la sociedad irlandesa. Al recomendar el asesinato de esos niños, trataba básicamente de inhumanos e inmorales a aquellos a los cuales se dirigía, al considerar que podrían llegar a realizar dichas acciones motivados por el odio que tenían hacia estas personas.
C. Ottoman
A jannisary revolt eventually occured in the Ottoman Empire. The jannisaries were the professional soldiers of the Ottoman empire who were taken from European, mainly Balkan countries, and were forced to convert to Islam and fight for the Ottoman Empire once they reached adulthood.
Hope this helps!
We do not have the main resource to answer the question which is the book. Im sorry but your question is un answerable
The English Bill of Rights
The Glorious Revolution was when William of Orange took the English throne from James II in 1688. The event brought a permanent realignment of power within the English constitution. A more contentious argument is that the constitutional changes made property rights more secure and thus promoted economic development.
The English Bill of Rights (1689) was drawn up by Parliament and signed by William and Mary in 1689. The bill was conceived to ensure that the power of the monarchy would be, in the future, limited and that Parliament could function free from royal interference.
William and Mary proclaimed joint sovereigns of Britain. The Bill of Rights, which greatly limited royal power and broadened constitutional law, granted Parliament control of finances and the army and prescribed the future line of royal succession, declaring that no Roman Catholic would ever be sovereign of England.
<span>e Classical Era, Greek religion could BEST be described as</span>