You can live in igloos because it gives protection from the cold and some people live in them
the Australian Capital Territory had the highest population density, at 171 people per sq km, followed by Victoria (27), New South Wales (9.7), and Tasmania Explanation:
Let's think about what splits the earth, the equator splits the earth from North to South. The Prime Meridian is what splits the earth from East to West.
Synoptic means "view together" or "view at a common point". A synoptic weather map shows weather patterns over a large area by putting together many weather reports from different locations all taken at the same moment in time.
E. All of these objects rise in the east and set in the west.
The Earth is spinning on its axis towards the east.
For this reason all of the object they are outside the earth such as Galaxies, sun, stars and the moon, Will Rise in the East and set in the West.
The earth spinning on its axis because of the gravitational pull that the sun exercise on it, and it's the reason why we have a day and a night.
The earth,beside moving on its axis, is moving in relationship to the sun, and this Orbit last 365 days (a year), and there is also a change in the inclination of the axis which is called a precessional cycle.