it wont let me attach the link but here are the answers:
1. Dress to impress, sound check thoroughly, and put your best face forward
2. Learn the names of the guitar parts, learn basic finger exercises, and develop good practice habits
3. Dynamics means how quietly or loudly a piece of music should be played
4. Tuning pegs, strings, neck, and frets.
5. A harmonious sound is produced by having notes and chords played along with the melody.
6. Preparation is essential because it assures you have the best performance possible
7. The tuning notes and which pegs go to which string
8. You can warm up by playing/singing notes, or doing scales. I would do scales to make sure your instrument/voice is working and can hit the notes it needs to
9. To ensure a good guitar chord you should make sure your finger placement is correct. Strumming can be done in many different patterns.
10. By identifying the type of music you like the most you can enjoy the music you enjoy more and you’ll be able to understand the form of the piece and make it more credible.
11. I would find my sound by doing vocal exercises and trying different types of pieces of music to see if they fit my voice well or not.