The apterous gene in Drosophila encodes a protein required for wing patterning and growth. It is also known to function in nerve
development, fertility, and viability. When human and mouse genes whose protein products closely resemble apterous were used to generate transgenic Drosophila,the apterous mutant phenotype was rescued. In addition, the whole-body expression patterns in the transgenic Drosophila were similar to normal apterous. A) What is meant by the term rescued in the context?
B) What do these result indicate about the molecular nature of development?
is also known to function in nerve development, fertility, and viability. When human and mouse genes whose protein products closely resemble apterous were used to generate ... [USA] 96: 2165–2170), the apterous mutant phenotype was rescued. ... patterns in the transgenic Drosophila were similar to normal apterous.
It is also known to function in nerve development, fertility, and viability. When human and mouse genes whose protein products closely resemble apterous were used to ... patterns in the transgenic Drosophila were similar to normal apterous. ... for normal wing patterning and growth whereas mutation in the gene (apterous also known to function in nerve development, fertility, and viability. When human and mouse genes whose protein products closely resemble apterous were used to generate ... [USA] 96: 2165–2170), the apterous mutant phenotype was rescued. ... patterns in the transgenic Drosophila were similar to normal apterous.
Explanation: The pituitary gland is nicknamed the master endocrine gland because it releases hormones that controls other parts of the endocrine system. It also controls the activity of the thyroid by releasing the Thyrod Stimulating hormone, TSH.
The right atrium recieves deoxygenated blood from the vien (vena cava) and the left atrium recieves oxygenated blood from the pulmenary vien i.e from the lung.
In order to see precise cells, living cells are better to observe to get the correct information while dead cells do not do anything and you can't really get information out of it