Available freshwater allowed people to grow food.
Water is super important for a lot of different reasons. The more water that people had, the more crops that they can grow.
Georgia's involvement was 50% in World War 1
D. Preaching in German and translating the Bible so people could read
Martin Luther tought that it individual faith was very important, and that people should seek a persona connection with God, instead of relying on the preachings of the local priest.
The problem was that very few German people could read at the time, let alone read Latin, the language in which the Bible was written.
This is why Luther completed the Task of translating the Bible to German, so that more people could read the Bible by themselves, and develop their individual faith.
<span>In randomized controlled trials, people are randomly assigned to each category to offset any potential bias.
</span>Selection bias<span> is the phenomenon where</span><span> the </span>selection<span> of people or groups is not adequately randomized to offset potential bias in research studies. This in turn does not ensure that the study samples included in research are representative of the population needed to be tested on.</span>