The servant came reporting that a grave has been violated, and a shrouded disfigured body found, still alive
The servant says that a grave has been violated , and a shrouded disfigured body has been found and still alive after the search party has gone out to investigate the terrible crimes.
Berenice was written by Edgar Allan Poe, it is a short horror story which was first published in the Southern Literary Messenger in the year 1835. The story is about a man named Egaeus who is preparing to marry Berenice his cousin, Egaeus suffers from a type of obsessive disorder which makes him to always fixate on objects while Berenice also suffers from an unspecified illness.
Berenice health got worsen leaving her teeth( which was cherished by Egaeus) as the only remaining healthy part. Berenice died and is buried, Egaeus wakes up one day feeling uneasy and with the sound of screams in his ears. A servant report to him that the grave of Berenice's has been disturbed, and she is still alive.
I have a feeling it’s the first one. But I could be wrong.
This summer my family visited Washington, DC. We saw the Lincoln Memorial and went to the White House to see where the President of the United States lives.
Hope this helps!
Lines 15-21 act as a flashback in that the writer is remembering details of a past experience. The author mentioning a 'needle of hot silver, a thread of fire' alludes to the fire that is described later in the story. The fact that the memories were brought by a 'whiff of smoke' is also a strong indicator that the author had an experience with a fire.
Lines 15-21 act as a flashback in that the writer is remembering details of a past experience. The author mentioning a 'needle of hot silver, a thread of fire' alludes to the fire that is described later in the story. The fact that the memories were brought by a 'whiff of smoke' is also a strong indicator that the author had an experience with a fire.