the values best associated with a happy and wealthy life were low individualism, low power distance — in other words, a lack of authoritarianism in your life — and low uncertainty avoidance.
Masculinity had a mixed effect. While the ability to plan for the future can be universally recommended, that “need for achievement” component comes at quite a cost. Those who score higher on masculinity make more money but also tend to be unhappier, despite the higher pay. By the way, this isn’t a new observation. Economist Adam Smith wrote about it more than 250 years ago.
I believe the answer is Florida.
Social contract, in political philosophy, an actual or hypothetical compact, or agreement, between the ruled and their rulers, defining the rights and duties of each. In primeval times, according to the theory, individuals were born into an anarchic state of nature, which was happy or unhappy according to the particular version.
1. Suffrage: the right to vote
2. Capitulate: to surrender or give up.
3. Atrocities: shocking or cruel acts, especially an act of wanton violence against an enemy in wartime
4. Inundated: to overwhelm or engulf, as a flood.
In the previous exercise, you must match the vocabulary words with their meaning.
Success in your homework!