The answer is B !! The author
The weather has been nice but, it may snow again any day.
A - incorrect as it does have a hero.
B - correct. The fact that it tells a long narrative story, among other things (like that it tells the story of the hero) makes it an epic poem.
C - incorrect as it is one long story
D - incorrect, using words in a poetic manner is not enough to consider writing an epic poem.
If those lines are the excerpt then the answer should be that Kelsey felt unsure of exactly what she wanted.
The dramaturgy genre cultivated since Greek and Roman times and tend to conserve the original structure of the plays. That´s the reason why all options are correct.
Among them, the moralizing didactic content is central. The theater was accessible to the people, therefore, the works were written with an educational purpose. In Seneca as well as in Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet, a reflection is promoted on the audience about the passions and values of men and women in society.
Due to the tragic cadence of Romeo and Juliet and the seriousness of the themes that Seneca approached, the author worked with a character and a chorus of singers which utility was to act as a comic relief. In this way, the audience didn´t get angry with the scenes depicted.
In both plays - Romeo and Juliet and Seneca´s - we can mention the prophetic dreams. One of the characters anticipates the tragic final because he or she dreams the overcome of terrible episodes.
These dreams lead the characters to confront a tragic fate. As well as the poor Oedipus was condemned to fall in love with his mother, Romeo and Juliet were sentenced to die separately.
Nevertheless, the nature of fate in each play is different. Edipo ´s destiny was influenced by the decisions of superior gods and stars while Romeo and Juliet´s outcome has to deal with human limitations.