John Proctor is noble because he puts his commitment to the truth above all else, even though it will cost him a chance to live on with his wife and to know his child who hasn't yet been born.
I did the same topic. This is for flvs ela correct?
I am still doing the class so i can not give to much of my info away because they would know. Hmm. Okay, I can give you a s ite that will help you because it helped me. But pl z dont re port me for putting a si te, I am just trying to help.
I gave you the site to where you can pick your own we bsi te for it. The website I used is the top one.
ht tps://ww w.go ogle.c om/se arch?q=sho uld+teens+be+allowed+t o+play+dangerous+sports&rlz=1CAXWWL_enUS954&oq=should+teens+be+allowed+&aqs=chrome.0.0j69i57j0j0 i390l 4j69i61.13835j0j7&sourc eid=chrome&ie=UTF-8&safe=active&ssui=on
p lz dont re.po.rt me and can I have brainliest plz. I need 1 more. oh and for the lin ks, just take away the spaces.
Compound subject
A verb is an action word, beginning and end aren't actions, and they are the subjects of the sentence.
Answer. "tis some visitor." The reader feels suspense as to whom this visitor may be.
Explanation::He tries to calm himself down, telling himself that "tis some visitor" who has dropped by unexpectedly. But who is this visitor?
(sorry this is so late!)
The answer is C. Why it’s C is because it’s describing two things which would need a comma between