Interest rate? Repayment amounts? Length of time of loan? Smile on the face of the money lender? Might there be a little more to this quesition?
Return to investment: margin+turnover
Margin-net operating income/ sales
Turnover-sales/average operating assets.
Current liabilities are debts that a company must pay within a twelve month period.
This company's current liabilities are:
- Accounts payable $15,000
- Interest payable $7,000
Total current liabilities = $15,000 + $7,000 = $22,000
Since the note payable is due in 18 months, it is not considered a current liability.
Possession utility is the value customers have while buying a product and they have the choice to use the product for the purpose it was made for or finding a new way to use the product.
Buying and selling of anything involves transfer of ownership from one to another. So to be successful in this throat cutting competition one should strategize to make this transfer of possession easy. So possession utility is what lets customer physically asses what they bought.
I see this job as a opportunity to contribute to an forward thinking industry. I feel that that my skills would be something great to share with the team .