President Abraham Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation. With it, he freed all slaves in Confederate or contested areas of the South.
Starting with the election of President Andrew
Jackson (1828), voter participation increased due
to the end of property requirements for voting by
many states. We technically used to have. It not any longer. God bless America! ;)
Habeas Corpus means that you can't lock someone up without stating their offense and giving them a trial.
In order to repopulate the city, he deported Muslim and Christian groups in Anatolia and the Balkans and forced them to settle in Constantinople. He restored the Greek Orthodox (January 6, 1454) and established a Jewish grand rabbi and an Armenian Apostolic (Orthodox) in the city.
Hope it helps!
Sunni Muslims which means that the way of Prophet Muhammad The Messenger of Allah salalahu alahi wa salaam May Allah be please. are 90 percent of all muslims.