Poet is using personification
<em>Frozen branches—heavy with ice arms— Couldn't perform their dance</em>
Trees and brances can't dance, but the poet is giving them human possibilities.
Personification is a way of giving human feelings to objects, plants, animals, and abstract concepts. By reviving things, phenomena, in general, something inanimate, they create images that have a strong effect on the reader.
In the end of the short story "The Old Chief Mshlanga", the girl's father decides to keep the twenty goats that trampled down his land. This decision deeply affected Chief Mshlanga's people, since these goats belonged to them, and not having them would mean that they would go hungry when the dry season begins. Thus, it was selfish from him to keep the goats.
many water
Embora muito leite ainda pareça errado, muita água está absolutamente incorreta gramaticalmente na língua inglesa