Native Americans were rebbelling against the idea of the colonists moving westward thus lots of fighting broke out
Three of the factors in Russia which fostered the revolution of 1917 were the impoverishment of the peasants who struggled to survive on their small plots of land and to pay the debts they owed to buy their land after the serf system was changed; many peasants who couldn't make a go of it fled to the cities and took part in the local industrial revolution but were oppressed by inadequate wages and poor working conditions and lastly WWI resulted in the poor masses in Russia being used as canon fodder in an unjust imperialist war to divide up the world differently unlike WWII which was to end the Nazi tyrrany.
Spain and Portugal were the two nations that had a head start in the age of exploration
because two-thirds majority of each chamber must vote favorably to override the governor's veto which will make it a law
Integration of black people into the political spectrum